Barry Poitras
Head Sensei, Iaido Rokudan (6th Degree Black Belt), Kendo Godan (5th Degree Black Belt). Mr. Poitras began his martial arts training in Shotokan Karate-do in 1980. He began Kendo and Iaido in 1989 with the Boston Kendo Dojo. He currently holds the rank of Godan (5th Dan) in Kendo and Rokudan (6th Dan) in Iaido, as well as Sandan (3rd Dan) in Karate-do.
Mitko Botev
Assistant Sensei with a rank of Yodan in Kendo and Iaido. (14+ years of training).
Kevin M. Fritschy
Founder, Assistant Sensei with a rank of Sandan. (16+ years of training). The rank of Yodan (4th degree) in Judo. Kōdōkan member (since 1977), Nidan for Jiu-Jitsu, and is certified as following: National Judo Instructor for United States Judo, Judo Kata Certified, World Doping Association Certified, Safe Sport. Heads-up Concussion Training, Judo medalist (state, region, international).
Marius Zainea
Founder, Executive Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster, rank of 2-DAN (11+ years of training).
OUR MEMBERS (* name - rank):
* Midnight Zero - 3 DAN
* Alexander Palomba - 2 DAN
* Bruce Abramowitz - 1 DAN
* Vincent (Buddy) Meuse - 1 DAN
* Collin Dyes-Hopping - 1-DAN
* Xynone Cabal - 3-KYU
* Ian DeRego
* Victoria Gorveatt
* Maxwell Johnson
* Jane Poss
More information about kendo ranks:
your name can be listed here
Are you ready for the challenge? If the answer is YES, contact us!
*** You need to be a paying member for at least three consecutive months in order to be listed here.